Your dental home in your time of need

Dental emergencies can happen at any time and often when you least expect them. It is important for you to have a plan in place in case an emergency does happen to you or a family member. One of the first steps to take to be prepared for an emergency dental situation is to have a dentist that you know and trust. Tidewater Family Dentistry is pleased to become your dental home and serve as the team of professionals you turn to in your time of need.

Whatever your dental emergency may be, prompt dental care can help prevent further damage to a tooth or teeth as well as provide you with relief from pain. Your Newport News dentist at Tidewater Family Dentistry makes every effort to see patients the same day as the emergency because we know the importance of urgent dental care. Some common dental emergencies include:

  • Abscess or infection
  • Excessive bleeding from a tooth or gums
  • Tooth pain or toothache that is not controlled with over-the-counter pain medication and keeps you from sleeping
  • Severely chipped tooth
  • Avulsed tooth (knocked-out)
  • Swelling of the face, jaw, gums or mouth not related to an allergy and is not improving
  • Acute injury to the mouth

Dental Problems That Can Wait

At Tidewater Family Dentistry, we don’t want you to wait if you have unmanageable dental pain. However, there are some dental situations that can usually wait a day or a weekend if they are not causing you too much pain, such as:

  • A chipped tooth that is not causing pain
  • A loose crown
  • A loose or detached bridge
  • A filling that has fallen out
  • Tooth pain that is manageable without swelling

If you have experienced any of the dental emergencies listed above and you are a current patient, you should call our office immediately at (757) 874-6712. Prompt dental treatment and care are important to the successful outcome of a dental emergency for example, the sooner an infection can be treated, the more unlikely it is that it will spread to the adjacent or surrounding teeth. At Tidewater Family Dentistry, you don’t have to wonder if it is a dental emergency, just give us a call!

Tips for Avoiding Dental Emergencies

Although you cannot predict most dental emergencies, there are some good habits you can practice that will reduce the risk of an emergency. Tidewater Family Dentistry of Newport News, VA offers the following tips that can reduce the risk of having an urgent dental need.

  • Always wear a protective mouthguard when playing a high contact sport no matter how old you are. From over-the-counter boil and bite mouthguards to custom-made mouthguards, it is worth protecting your teeth from potentially irreparable damage.
  • Avoid biting, crunching or chewing hard candy, ice or popcorn kernels as these hard substances can crack a tooth.
  • Refrain from using your teeth to open packages or bite tape, scissors work great.
  • Maintain excellent oral hygiene at home so you are aware of the areas in your mouth that are sensitive and what pain is normal or brand new.
  • Never walk or run with an object in your mouth such as a pencil or even a straw.
  • Find a dental office and a team of professionals you trust to handle all of your dental needs.

At Tidewater Family Dentistry, we look forward to seeing all of our patients and providing the highest standard of dental care in a comfortable and relaxing environment, but emergencies happen and we are here for you in your time of need. Keeping up with regular dental visits and checkups will go a long way in helping to identify problems early and mitigating any dental emergencies if possible. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call Tidewater Family Dentistry today at (757) 874-6712.


convenient hours icon tidewater family dentistry

Mon, Tues, Thurs:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 7:00 PM